Tea Time - 1997

by JoAnna Pettit-Almasude
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
24.000 x 28.000 inches
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Tea Time - 1997
JoAnna Pettit-Almasude
Mixed Media - Ink On Paper
The Title of this ink-on-paper, work of art is "Tea Time." I also created it in 1997; again it took several months to complete and is highly detailed. The size is 28" tall and 24" wide. I no longer own this work (though I do still own the copyrights). A judge and his family in El Jadida, Morocco own this piece.
It depicts a mother and child at tea time. I modeled both the mother and child after my sister in law Shimesha and her daughter Marjena.
Mint Tea is highly important in all of Morocco, but in the northern Rif area, (which I am most familiar) it is a matter of pride and ready to be given to visitors and family any time and many times a day. It is one of the most integral part of the culture because it is one thing that has not changed at all in the last 21 years that I have been traveling to Morocco. Clothing, dress and attitudes have changed a lot, but not mint tea.
August 14th, 2015